Liberian football player, Terry Sackor played for Asko, Premier league in Togo, for a first season. The club wins the title of champion for a third consecutive time. In this exclusive conversation, the new champion talks about his experience away from Liberia and the main difficulties he encountered.

You win the togolese league with your club Asko. How do you feel about this achievement ?

I feel great about this achievement because it’s my first time as a professional player to win a trophy outside.

You arrived in the togolese league right this season. How was the experience ? What do you think about the skills of the togolese league?

The experience was really amazing, because there were too many games I played since I started playing professional football. So, the experience was great. The skills of the Togolese league is great, one major thing I observed during the just ended season, is that the league is really physical compare to the other league I had been played in.

Had it been easy to play here compared to what is done in Liberia ?

To play here in Togo is more difficult than to play in Liberia. Because the Togolese league is more competitive and physical than the Liberian league.

You have been recruited last year with the goal to help Asko to do better things than previous seasons. Do you think that you have done the job ?

The job is not yet done because I still have more to prove to the team. But I can tell you this is just the beginning.

You have finished a season here and it is your first time to live and play in Togo. What were thé difficulties that you encounter ?

I encountered too many difficulties playing here my first season. It was difficult for me to adjust to the league from the first phase and the amount of goals I was targeting I don’t reach that mark. So this was difficult for me.

Next stage is the CAF champions league. According to the players performances accross the season, do you think that Asko is ready for the challenge ?

I can tell you for sure yes. We are ready, we are ready to face any club in the CAFChampions league playoffs. We played the entire season in the league without conceding defeat that alone can tell you that we are ready.

At the end of the day, after this seasons’ experience, are you keen on continuing with Asko ?

Yes, if the opportunity is given to me, I want to be with Asko for 4 to 5 more seasons.

Photos: Obeysatr



Mawaki Sports
Mawaki Sports
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